Tuesday, July 8, 1980

Cultivars of Sorghum, Groundnuts, Millet and Maize

Lohutok, Sudan
This morning, I helped Samuel with getting the rafters onto his house.  I also watched a bit as they began putting poles up for my hut.
Photo: Samuel installing rafters
I talked with Michael and asked him about the spelling of Lotuko names for crops.  Emma is a general term for grain.  I initially learned there are at least eight types of sorghum, four types of groundnuts and one or two types of millet and one type of maize (corn).  In later conversations with Michael and others, I learned of still more types.  They are as follows:
Red Sorghums:
Osingo - A general term or a specific type.
Tuhunyi - Short, earlier-maturing than osingo.
Akunati - Tall, red, goose-necked.
Obilet - Tall, red.
Brown Sorghum:
White Sorghums:
Ameterita - "Dura" can be a general term or can refer to this variety.
Ngaboli - Off-white or yellowish in color.
Groundnuts (peanuts):  
["Ful" is the general term for groundnuts.]
Kabir - Big, long shell, bush type.  Must be dug to harvest.
Anguak - Bush type.  Michael said it has numerous small nuts, but Otia said they are big.
Amilo - Red nuts, many nuts in each shell. Plant 2 weeks later. Destroyed by sun in 1979.
Aful - Vine type.  Has been used since time immemorial.  Must be dug to harvest.
Atuye - Bush type.
Elonge - Bush type. Very big brown nuts. Must be dug to harvest.
Logum - Bush type.  Like atuye, but big nuts.
Aheto - Bush type.  White nuts.  Many nuts in each shell.
Amakarara - Big shell like kabir.  Bush type.  Must be dug to harvest.
Ometi - Bullrush or pearl millet.
Faloro - Finger millet.  Seldom grown.  Maybe planted by only one person in Lohutok.
Maize (corn):
Etuyet - A type of oseri which is short and has one-ear.
Michael said odoko (a white sorghum), ngirengire (a red sorghum) and ometi (bullrush millet) can be planted together.  Of the groundnuts, anguak (a bush type) and aful (a vine or spreading type) can be planted together. 

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